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The following prayer points are from The Prayer War by Paul Seger. You can find this daily prayer guide on pages 80-82.

Sunday: CARE – The missionary’s protection and safety and health in his country of service; for stability, freedom, governmental leaders, passports, visas, and work permits

Monday: CONTACTS – The missionary’s non-believing acquaintances and friends, opportunities to make new contacts, the ability to transition conversations to spiritual things and to scriptural ideas and eventually the Gospel, open doors through which they may pass to share Christ

Tuesday: COURAGE – The missionary’s boldness through the Spirit, good results in ministry for encouragement, encouragers for [them], teammates doing things well

Wednesday: CLARITY – The missionary as a communicator of God’s truth, ability with the foreign language, cultural adaptation, and communicating the truth clearly by the example they set and through the spoken word

Thursday: CONVERSIONS – The missionary’s fruitfulness and satisfaction in their work, seeing key people come to faith in Christ

Friday: CHRISTLIKENESS – The missionary’s own spiritual walk and Christlikeness, growth in grace through the use of the means of grace (the Word, prayer, fellowship, worship, etc.), death to fleshly desires, humility and cooperation in relationships with fellow workers, nationals, and family

Saturday: CO-WORKERS – The missionary can keep his sanity and avoid burnout by being assisted by new harvesters arriving on the field, working harmoniously with the team, and helping lighten the workload