Fact: most of us struggle with evangelism.

That could be for a number of different reasons. Maybe it comes from the fact that you’ve never seen it done well. Maybe it’s that you are overcome by fear. Maybe it’s that you’ve grown discouraged in it and given up. Maybe it’s just been so long since you’ve shared the gospel, you feel too “out-of-practice” to even attempt it again. Whatever the reason or excuse, we all know that sharing the gospel is a part of what it means to be a follower of Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20; 2 Corinthians 5:16-20)

This Spring, we are pleased to commend to our members , Before You Share Your Faith. In this little book, pastor and author Matt Smethurst presents “five ways you can become evangelism ready.”

The great thing about it is that this is not another evangelism tool on how to share the gospel. Rather, this resource is designed to help you simply be ready when the opportunities do present themselves.

Sometimes we can get caught up in the challenges and complexities of evangelism and so focused on having just the right method, that we don’t ever actually engage in evangelism. This book will encourage and motivate you in its simplicity and move your heart to tell others the good news of Jesus!


Intro: Not Your Typical Evangelism Book
1. Grasp the Gospel
2. Check Your Context
3. Love the Lost
4. Face Your Fear
5. Start to Speak
Conclusion: The Highest Motivation
Appendix: Twelve Verses for Fighting Fear

Pick up a copy at the publisher’s website, read it with a few other members, and pray that we will all be evangelism ready in the days ahead!
